When I picked up the bamboo fly rod, the gentleman that did the work handed me a fly, at the same time. He told me that this fly, on a certain lake, was an absolute killer. Trout in that lake could not resist them, in his experience. He gave me one of those looks that you sometimes get from the “old timer” at the corner store, when he feels like he is imparting some nugget of life-saving wisdom that the younger man may or may not understand, but he feels good for trying. I told him I would definitely give it a try, and he was quite pleased with this.
Truth be told, I am not much of a lake fisherman. I prefer the push of running water, the annoying way that the myriad currents push and pull my line and the challenge of overcoming them. It was wading in a river in Yellowstone that brought forth the desire to try fly fishing, despite living in a place where it is all around me.
And…after all…Norman Maclean didn’t write “A lake lies next to it.”
First step for me, as is so often the case, is to try to tie one. Not sure what they are called, but I tried a #14 and a #12, tonight. The #14 looked better, though with perhaps biots and partridge hackles a bit too long, but looks fairly close.
Simple tie, with Hooks in 1xL, black thread, rusty biots for tails, peacock wrapped over red floss in the body, with partridge behind a bead for the leggy protrusions.
I’ll try it sometime, I’m sure….when the rivers are blown out and I’m desperate for the tug on the line…
(Sorry about the re-posting. Something did not save properly, the first time.)
I have to admit, reading back over this post, that my “Pro-River” stance was a bit over-done. I have had many enjoyable times fishing in lakes, although mostly in my youth. Would I balk at an opportunity to fish a nice lake, now? Absolutely not!