So, I know it has been a long time since I posted, but I have some good reasons. Really. Trust me.
August is usually a bit slow for me, and often a great month for Fly Fishing, so this year’s twists have created quite the stark contrast. What drives this, you ask?
Right after the last post, I started working through the photographing, online logging, then eventual valuation of more than 620 personal property items that are known to be losses from the fire. Scary, really, the volume of “stuff” that accumulates. The part of the house actually, directly involved in the combustion was essentially an attic crawlspace, a walk-in closet next to that, and a bit of the peak of the living room. I shudder to think of the volume of “stuff” one ends up working through for a total loss.
That said, because of the smoke and water damage, the house now stands hollowed out and waiting for the beginning of it’s re-building to commence.

To balance this out, we took a few family trips to get away and enjoy some different places. Two trips to Seattle gave us a chance to visit Pike Place (and the spice shop and Paris – Madrid Grocery store!) and some dear friends. A trip to Leavenworth (WA, not KS) provided a chance to be even more touristy and pick up a couple excellent cheeses… I highly recommend both.

Work prompted a visit to Denver, that had some highly enjoyable side benefits and excellent weather to watch…

… and a little friend to make in the parking area of the hotel.

Okay…maybe not “friend.” He did a really good job of pretending to not see me, until I was 4′ away. He then bolted into the underbrush next to someone else’s patio doors. Still, not quite the “New York” attitude I got from the last one…in the same place.
We are in a rental house, now. It’s … roomy. More the kind of thing that you saw on Miami Vice, right off the inter-coastal, but it will do until we get to go home. It does have some great views, too.

And….tomorrow…if all goes well…I will Fly Fish for the first time in perhaps 6 weeks! I lost all my gear except my tying vise, tying equipment, rods/reels, and my three boxes of flies. Took a while to gather up the rest and get a copy of my license in order… time to immerse in a river and relax…
Tight lines.