Some days, you go to take that “first look at the sky,” and come away with the feeling that it might end up worth a few pics. Then you debate for a bit. Then you think about all the times you have been reminded about that “patience” virtue. Then you debate a bit more, while alternately criticizing your earlier reluctance and criticizing your urge to actually act upon your urge to be patient.
Eventually, with a likelihood that is purely individually determined and influenced by the specifics of the moment, one side wins out…. or the other.
This morning, I got a view that was … okay … on my first assessment.

I remember thinking that the gradation in colors was mildly interesting and that, just maybe, the exercise in camera settings to try to capture what my eye picks up would be a good technical lesson. I often get subtle hues that the digital camera just cannot capture, unless I open the color saturation to the point that more vivid areas end up looking more like Saturday cartoons.
Today, though, as I went through those setting variables, the sky kept shifting colors, patterns, and increasing in intensity like I rarely see.

After this point…it kind of just took off!

I had to make a couple of quick battery changes, around this time, and probably missed a few nice images. Great lesson in properly charging ALL batteries, before putting ANY away, in there… for those that learn more easily. It was also surprising how much the view would shift, just in the time it took to make those battery swaps. I can only assume that there were various cloud banks shifting beyond the horizon, that caused changes in hue and intensity from my view.

Right around here, I starting having those “are you kidding me” moments, too…

Such a great evolution of color and texture.
It did, however, make me wish I could more easily find/develop film in this town, or perhaps move to a DSLR with better resolution.
Want to see more? Click HERE for a set of my favorite pics from this morning. I think I used 31 of them; and have many more that I may review for later use.
Tight lines…