With the rivers all still showing high flow rates, this weekend was spent on things other than fishing.
Yes, those do still exist, even during the fishing season. They just…lose focus…in the face of options that allow for time in nature, playing in rivers, and trying to meet new and interesting trout.
Saturday was spent knocking down the yard with a string trimmer. No, not a mower. We have had such a mild late spring, with exceptional moisture, that the yard had quickly grown to the point that simple mowing just wouldn’t do it.
As an added bonus, I also had a chance to grab river rocks from the upper slope of the property (where I might just plant those wine grape vines, some day) for repurposing as edging stones for flowerbeds. All good stuff, especially in terms of getting some exercise while improving the property.
Sunday kicked off with kind of cloudy skies, but a few hints of color.
Nothing like what I get from mid-autumn to late winter, but I’ve finally concluded that the main difference is the orientation of the rising (then later setting) sun and the various mountain ranges around us. There is a “sweet spot” in there, that produces the deep reds, purples, and low-angle rays of light that paint the underside of a cloudy sky. I may have to more closely track this, and perhaps define for forecasting.
We got word that our daughter passed her required run, at Navy Bootcamp. She was worried about it, last time she called, but a fellow shipmate of hers had the chance to call home, and told her father that our daughter (her friend) had passed. Quite a relief.
Yesterday also had us making a day trip to Seattle. Visited friends, a couple of selected shops, and generally had a good day just getting out and about.
End of day included an email that my new waders had arrived! I will pick them up on my next Seattle trip, for work, and perhaps (Ha!) make a stop along the way to break them in.
Of course, I will share that experience, too…
I hope everyone has an excellent week.
Tight lines…