I woke up, yesterday, to snow…
Don’t get me wrong, I like snow. It’s beautiful, it provides the environment for my daughters to go skiing, and the occasional snowball fight is (usually) good for a laugh.
It is, however, also often the trigger for … well … significant labor.
Sidewalk and steps? Broom, please.
Back deck? Shovel, please.
Driveway and parking areas? Glass of wine, please.
Yes, I have a snow-thrower. It’s electric/rechargeable, but does a pretty good job on all but the really deep and wet snowfalls. It’s not the effort per foot of driveway that makes this sometimes painful….it’s the count of feet.
I love that people approaching the house in the Spring, Summer, and Autumn face an uphill route, with the last 300′ of it directly into my line of sight (with my vantage point being elevated above pavement level and fairly concealed). It does, however, create almost 540′ of snow removal, with multiple passes to clear the entire width, when that time comes.
Yesterday, however, after sweeping down the steps, I turned towards the garage door and saw a small glint of light, in the gap created by a slightly short siding bord not quite reaching the edge of the door frame.

A snowflake, caught on an old strand of spiderweb.
Thankfully, my phone has a magnifier option, which I really only otherwise use when documenting the tying of flies, that allowed me to capture a couple of pics of this.
The second one, with the light turned on, I don’t enjoy as much. I think it’s the obvious shadows…maybe? I do like how silvery the flake becomes, though.

A great reminder to look for beauty in the small things, and unexpected places, too…
I went back, today, to get perspective on the snowflake, as the more I looked at it, the less I remembered how small and finely crafted it was.

Just above the tape, you can see the same crooked end of the siding wood and faintly catch the spiderweb strand, still there.
A thing of beauty, to be sure.
Tight lines…