June Winding Down

As the month inches towards it’s close, a few things to share, just to kind of catch up.

First, a visitor to our yard:

A few months ago, I managed to get a pic of a pair of Red Tailed Hawk chicks, in the nest that their parents had built in a tree down the hill from us. Over the past week, or so, those parents have been teaching their young to hunt, and using one of our trees (that has a great overlooking view of an unused field below us) as their favored perch.

Great to see them sticking close by.

That same evening, I managed a few shots of a reasonably nice sunset, too.

I’m firmly convinced that the quality of the sunrise/sunset colors we get has to do with the time of year and the resulting points on the horizon at those times of the day. The late fall/winter/early spring colors, especially on the sunrises, are much more vivid.

Something positive to take the edge off the eventual wind-down of the fishing season, I suppose.

Speaking of… a quick stop at the Asahel Curtis section of the Snoqualmie River provided for a couple of additional views.

I have to figure out a good parking spot to access this portion. Too windy, when I was there, but that’s often a challenge this far up on the west slope of the Cascades.

That’s the confluence of the Snoqualmie South Fork (in from the left) and Humpback Creek (in from the top). If I can find a spot to access the outflow section below this…I have a feeling that fishing my way up and through could be highly productive.

Of course, I could also be quite wrong about that, but it’s one of those things that would be a joy to test out, even if I’m mistaken. That’s part of the beauty of fly fishing, anyway isn’t it?

Tight lines…